Top Copywriting Techniques to Quickly Increase Website Traffic and Sales

Reinvigorating your website is a major way to grow your business and expand your customers!

Use some of these tips and tricks below to help more customers find your website, increase sales, and create more return customers.

1. Have More Website Copy on Your Home Page

Let’s look at the statistics! A Komarketing study recently found that: 

  • “46% of users reported ‘lack of message’ as the main reason they leave websites”

  • “86% of people want to see product and service information on a website homepage”

  • “83% of people go to a website wanting specific answers”

So what does this tell us? Your homepage is everything and you need more copy on it!

Usually I recommend 1,000 words or more on the homepage with a welcome section and a clear call to action. Not only does a longer homepage give your ideal client a better understanding of you and your business, but it also increases SEO through:

  • More keywords and keywords phrases

  • Keeping your reader on your homepage for longer - shows Google you have helpful information

  • More data on your homepage - more reliable in Google’s eyes

Also with the rise of web searching on cell phones, people enjoy scrolling on their phones more than they do clicking separate links on a website. This means that having a longer home page with more website copy and content that a customer can scroll through is a more enjoyable and engaging experience.

2. Have a Welcome Section on Your Home Page for Customers

The Welcome Section should be at the top of your home page, with language that literally “welcomes the customer in.”

Welcome Sections are a great way to speak directly to your ideal customer and create a relationship with them. On a base level, you can explain what your business does and why they need it. But on a deeper level, you can empathize, quell fears, and call to action all in one place, which really helps customer engagement.

You get to speak directly to your customers here and address their desires and pain points, which is quite valuable for creating a lasting, more personal relationship.

3. Have an Opt-in Button Pop up on Your Homepage to Get Customer Emails 

Opt-in buttons can help you make an email list for tracking your potential customers. They can also sweeten the deal by offering discounts during busy seasons and increasing the likelihood of sales.

Once you have customer emails, you can send out newsletters and updates on your products. Through continuous emails, you’ll build a real relationship with these customers so that they come back again and again to buy.

4. Spend Time Researching Keywords for Your Business

You need many keywords and phrases related to your business throughout the writing on your website. This helps Google find and flag your business for customers searching for related businesses, needs, and desires.

For example, if you’re a photographer, what type of photography do you do? If you specialize in engagements and weddings, include these keywords throughout your website more so that it flags for Google exactly what you do. This will help with your SEO so that you can pop up at the top of Google when people search for those types of photographers.

My favorite places to find related keywords that customers look up are the below places:

  • Google search (bottom of google where it shows related searches, use an incognito browser when researching)

  • Google Keyword Planner

  • Keyword Planner Chrome Plugin

  • Ubersuggest

5. Write More Blogs

Research shows 2-4 blogs a month really help with SEO for businesses and especially if they’re 1,000 - 1,500 words.

This is because blogs will give you all of the following:

  • More keywords and keyword phrases for Google to flag

  • Show Google that you’re consistently providing valuable information which makes you a reliable website

  • Adds credibility in Google’s eyes when you Include backlinks to other reliable websites

Separate from SEO, blogs also help businesses build a relationship with customers so that they keep coming back.

6. Build or Rework Sales Funnels

A top way to increase traffic to your website and turn it into sales is to build or rework your sales funnels. First you want to assess the end goal of your sales funnel - is it to get ideal customers to buy a new product or book a meeting? Keep the end goal in mind so that you can build your funnel to get to that call to action.

Facebook and Instagram Ads are a great way to expand your sales funnels and up your traffic. Usually, you want to run 3 different sets of ads with slight variations to compare performance and improve your ad campaign over time. This is a great way to analyze your CTR (click-through rate) and CVR (conversion rate). It’s best if these ads link directly to a Landing Page to buy. Then you can run analytics on the click rate of the ads as well as the success rate of the landing page.

Here’s a great sales funnel example:

  1. Facebook/Instagram Ad leads customers to Website Landing Page to buy.

  2. If a customer doesn’t buy, a pop-up prompts them to sign up for a newsletter and updates on future discounts.

  3. Customer gets added to email list.

  4. Customer receives an email discount that urges them to buy and they’re back to the Landing Page.

  5. Customer receives emails and builds a relationship with the company over time and is finally enticed to buy.

  6. Continued emailing creates return customers. Success rate of return customers is 60-70% while success rate of new customers is only 5-20%

Regardless of what techniques you choose, if you implement these strategies then you’ll definitely be on your way to getting more engagement and sales from your ideal clients.

Want to talk about increasing traffic & sales?


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